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Contemplating the HAIL that befell SF today. Massive cold. New sponsors and speakers for TVOT.
Forgot: tvot artists, contact us - entry deadline approaching.
Sick, congested, working on newsletter, watching/listening to Dark Knight.
My friend Dean brought his homebuilt Dobson telescope over to the Mission and we showed mixed crowd Jupiter and 4 visible moons. Fantastic.
@billshepp Have to go back and look for for the @comcastcares person. Thanks for the link to Checking.
Comcast technician was here to fix it, and fixed it, but now it's intermittant again.
Comcast still intermittant here (phone and Internet). I'm switching.
@billshepp Anybody who flies as much as you do has nerves of steel. Oh, Comcast never cared. Internet is back up, but phone is still out.
@billshepp Anybody who flies as much as you do has nerves of steel.
@comcastcares - @billshepp said that you care. We're having major problems at our office with your service. Phone and Internet. Very bad.
@billshepp - We need to go someday...Will try the comcast address!
@billshepp - sorry, forgot a "p" - here's my message - You're always flying to Tokyo. You must have killer FF miles.
@billshep - You're always flying to Tokyo. You must have killer FF miles. We need to go someday...Will try the comcast address!
So, I'm sitting here in Mission Pie.
It's affected the entire street, apparantly.
Our phone service is out, too. It's very bad to have Internet tied to phone. I'm switching to the bastards, AT&T, or some other network.
Comcast still didn't fix the problem, which is in their line, all weekend. They tried, but their cust. serv. doesn't go 24/7.
SF Comcast giving us the runaround regarding crappy slow service. ARe they reconfiguring the network to slow lower-paying traffic?
Comcast Internet is super slow - what's going on?
InteractiveTV Today [itvt] and tvstrategies Launch a Unique Research and Marketing Program for IPTV and ..


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