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@maxvoltar charming lol! thx :) I'm not, but I'm very taken as you know :) @Malarkey thx! ;)
for web designers who dare to innovate and get shit because of doing so
my Kapitza Geometric book just arrived I so LOVE it! Ooooh this is geometric patterns heaven! :)
my article is up at 24Ways. NOT for Photoshop jugglers but aimed at developers who want to give it a try.Not everybody is a pixelpushing pro
Congrats with the design of 24Ways @drewm & @maxvoltar Love it! New & different means some people will bitch. Had the same with :)
Checking out Vector Magic, the desktop application. Looks promising.
@jenseninman wish I could join you guys :) Have fun!
working on an educational logo. Client said: no apples and no Comic Sans and of course I fully agree :)
doodling some basic ideas for a logo design. Fun :)
finding out that the Wacom Cintiq works de-stressing: take screen on lap, sit back and relax, use pen and draw... and relax your wrist
updating the Updater, sigh
throwing snowballs :)
can't remember the last time it was snowing so heavily here in Belgium, in November.
cleaning up my Facebook mess (didn't not log on for a few weeks) confirm... ignore confirm...
really starting to have fun with the Wacom Cintiq 12WX. Persistency wins :)
removing my DNA from the Nokia 8800 I tested to send back
looking very much forward to tomorrow morning as new office furniture will be delivered :)
if only I were right-handed it would make things less complicated. Duplicating objects using shift + alt buttons on Wacom, it's difficult.
there is also the question when to work on the Wacom display. It's switching from 30" to 12". I tend to do this only for illustrations only
moved the toolbox in PS and AI to the right. If I could I would align the Apple menu bar to the right as well. Would be easier to access.


Dunstan veen Scott Fegette Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt adam Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Dan Cederholm Molly E. Holzschlag Larry Paul Burdick Maxine Sherrin Keith Kitta Peter Forret Jeremy Keith Alex de Carvalho Tantek Çelik Hickensian Garrett Murray Richard Rutter Patrick Haney Norm! Aaron Gustafson Drew McLellan Derek Featherstone Steve Marshall Beep. Andrea luxuryluke Snook Scott Gledhill Marko Mihelcic Garrett Dimon Jackson Wilkinson
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