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@brandonleblanc yes. We added category level permissions in 1.1.
Tilkov: REST patterns/anti-patterns deck
Deal on $14 billion auto bailout.
Anyone else seeing funky Feedburner stats? I lost ~1000 subscribers (25%) in one day and now slowly trickling back up.
@robconery I wasn't saying SubSonic was a re-invention. I was referring to the work to support N data providers.
Gah, Disqus comments are getting posted to twitter. Not good.
@joemorel Color Me Badd had more than one song? Go figure?
"1. With code generation, who cares about XML. 2. Please re-read, with FluentNHibernate there are no XML files.... re:
New web app rule; if it looks like I designed it, I refuse to use it. That is a low bar, but it will be enforced with reckless abandon.
@GeorgeDearing I like the tweetgrid functionality, but it is way too ugly to look at.
ExtJS uses an AIR app for documentation. That is certainly one way to dog food your own code.
@evolvingWe The Yankees don't care about anything other than next year. CC is just the start. They have a lot more over paying to do. :)
Trying to get a little more up to speed on "Geneva". So far, I am Really liking what I am seeing.
@ardalis the recent bios update on the d630 enables the 8gb support.
SubSonic 3: Alpha Is Ready
All seven items on the charity challenge have sold. Waiting for one more payment, but it looks like $225 (or so) raised for charity so far.
It just kills me that I upgraded my desktop to 8GB for about $50. :)


om Jason Calacanis Jason Alexander Jim Martin Shane Henderson Phil Winstanley Jose Lema Don Demsak Deryl - Telligent Jeremiah Kevin Harder Jeff Sandquist Grant Carpenter Raymond Lewallen Scott Koon Joshua Allen Adam Kinney Alan Le Jon Galloway Phil Haack Kevin Dente Tim Heuer Dave Bost Randy Holloway Sean O'Driscoll Chris Garrett George Dearing Telligent Systems Brandon LeBlanc Damon Billian Lionel Menchaca Scott Barnes Brad Wilson Steven Livingstone Mike Amundsen Leon (Telligent)
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