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Did a Check for Updates w/ Windows Live Writer, says my Beta copy is the latest. So WHAT IS new w/ Live Essentials?
RT @bryerjoyner iPhone users beware, 3rd party app cut-and-paste tool security flaw
@OmarShahine Are the Essential Live Beta's newer and improveder than the Live Beta's they had up before? Or just renamed as "Essential"?
RT @ResearchVessels An Unexpected Adventure on an Antarctica Cruise - blog posting about the recent MV Ushuaia grounding -
Interesting call for feedback from the new Congressional Oversight Panel -
@donxml It was a problem with installing the Hyper-V role to spin up VM's - once Hyper-V was installed, no access to the wifi
@donxml Only thing holding me back from repaving the laptop w/ Win2k8 is loss of the wifi nic - kinda essential for a laptop ;?)
Lucked out and the framers showed up on a warm day like today - supposed to get up to 70 degrees, outside doors open == OK
Google Turns its Back on Firefox - it'll be interesting to see how Firefox fares going forward -
New version of TrueCrypt (v 6.1a) available for download -
@kevindente Pay no attention to the predator drones - just your everyday routine training mission
Doh! Pudding still watery - quick box check reveals tweren't 'instant' - no snack for me ;?(
@dsaxman Thx - the "don't eat the yellow snow" message has been delivered ;?)
Watching Home Alone 2 - Lost in NY with the fam - the son is really enjoying this one - told him not to get any ideas
Describing to the son how we used to make "snow pudding" in northern Maine by adding sugar, vanilla extract and milk to a pot full of snow
Seadragon Mobile on the iPhone? Why no Winmo? -
Survived tonight's college Christmas party. I work with a great bunch of people.
Discover Mag - Top 100 Stories of 2008 - interesting lineup -
Prep'ing upstairs for a wall to be installed next week - hopefully less heat will go upstairs and heating bill will be <
Azure dev account set up - time to look into porting one of my unfunded research projects to it


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