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heard the conductor say, “This train’s not moving. It’ll be about an hour.” this morning. So it’s gonna be one of those Mondays…
is worried that the Best Snowboard Boots Ever might not be completely waterproof for another season
sooooo glad to have Jen back in town for a visit!
ate octopus tonight... and actually liked it!
@bexrad: happy birthday!!
Looking forward to eating ramen noodles with a friend I've had since 5th grade!
finally done with work for today
LOVING the free internet in PDX
@tjoselow I'll try that tomorrow nite, thx for the recommendation! Just found a "holy shit" (good) wine:
contemplating dinner in Portland - a high-energy task after today: 4:30am + flight + 8.5 hrs of meetings = now
is back from the gym, and just ate an odd smattering of leftovers: bean soup, 1/2 slice of pizza, and mac & cheese. Workout undone?
: how old is Uncle Jeff? 100? 4-yr-old nephew: He can't be 100 b/c Grampa Charlie's 34. (Actually, Grampa Charlie's 94, w/ a sense of humor)
recalls much quantum, but very little solace.
I made risotto with beef and veggies in porcini mushroom broth. Mmmmmm, suppertime.
Baked banana cranberry muffins, and cleaned the kitchen. The weekend's off to a great start.
Viewzi seems to have one-upped PicLens in a big way. Big.
OmniGraffle in 2008 is as full-featured and elegantly executed as Photoshop was in 1994.
I just love it when a feature I've used for 10 years is reinvented & renamed in johnny-come-lately software as if they invented it
Today I'm pretending less, and feeling legitimately healthy more.
Willing myself to recover. Now, please?