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At the birthday party that just. won't. end.
Setting up my first Kiva loan.
At baseball tryouts for Ricky.
@justinwiese Seems fixed, I think it was your captcha plugin that was generating the problem.
@cthilk Yes, include ZOMG URGENT in the subject line. Gmail will take care of the rest, I promise.
@garyvee @laughingsquid @internetcases Looking into the e-mail issues on FeedBurner, will follow-up once I hear back.
We've reached the point in today's PowerPoint journey when only Scotch can make it better.
@brit Yeah, Louis CK was on that flight a couple weeks ago. 2:00 mark is where he talks about it. Priceless.
@ErikJHeels Had lunch with the Reader team. They'd like to know what they ever did to you to deserve this.
I love our response to Scott Cleland's claims about Google's abuse of net bandwidth:
@justinwiese Seeing a ton of mysql errors on your blog.
@gadgetboy If we think you're in France, you're in France. Didn't your wife just get an espresso machine? Drink up, go get yourself a beret!
On a contract review call. Their side:"this will be a quick call."Me: "You haven't been on many contract calls, have you?"
@kevinokeefe Update on the Google Blogsearch indexing situation, courtesy of @vanessafox:
RT @politicalticker: Obama 'deeply disappointed' Richardson shaved beard
RT @technosailor: In case you're not sure if you know @mattbacak... you can find out...
@internetcases @nikiblack Diff is that a feed can be fetched w/o users viewing it. Reach tells you how many people engaged w/feed in a day.
@internetcases @nikiblack "live hits" records every time a feed was fetched. "reach"=unique IPs which viewed/clicked feed items in 24 hrs.


Chris Wetherell Jason Shellen Ross Brian Oberkirch John Zeratsky Mike Carvalho Clay Johnson Karl Frisch Brittany Bohnet Nancy Scola Josh Hallett Zack Rosen nicco mele John Federico Eric Olson Michael O'CC Joshua Levy greg cohn cody simms Bradley Horowitz Andrea Weckerle Anil Dash Marie Carnes Lars Plougmann donl Matt McAlister Mark Chernesky Darth Vader Mathew Gross Chad Dickerson Jeff Burkett raanan David Raynes Justin Wise Amit Agarwal Denise Howell
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