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The world is your burrito.
Anyone else get annoyed by the "Really?" bit on Weekend Update?
@youngamerican You make it seem like you book things very last minute
I'm more excited than I should be about GMail's new task management feature.
NYTimes: "NBC Expected to Give 10 P.M. Show to Leno." Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Had the corner pizza place been closed just now, I already had a tweet scathing them drafted in my head.
Apparently I like Herbie Hancock.
@Jordan_Morris Why did I so anxiously out myself?
@Jordan_Morris Plays or played? Because we've totally met, and I've totally played.
@youngamerican Ask if he thought his latest record really deserved an extra tenth of a point on its Pitchfork review.
Things I overhear that make me think the pizza place on the corner is a drug front: "Let's get the money and get the fuck out of here!"
Maybe it's a good thing no one will see these tweets in 100 years.
@cshepherd No backstory needed. What part of LITERALLY is unclear?
Pretty peeved that I'm waitlisted for the Obama Chicago party. I've been supporting that guy LITERALLY since I was in kindergarten.
The heat is -- very literally -- on.
Really great in-depth look at the lack of narrative in McCain's campaign.
@youngamerican I want whatever it is you're taking today.
Can anyone suggest a good but not-so-expensive tailor in Chicago?
Anyone know a good place (other than the History Museum) to watch the VP debate in Chicago?
Overheard on the bus: "Boy, that was a fun night." (pause) "We must have said 'Jimmy John's' at least, like, 20 times each."


Steve Gadlin CNN Breaking News hotdogsladies Andrew Huff Barack Obama Joe Biden Hillary Clinton Wil Wheaton Stephen Colbert Jonathan Coulton Adam Lisagor John McCain Sean Corbett Michael Jesse Thorn NPR Politics Hammer Mark Warner Josh Andrews Bryant Park Project zefrank JohnMcCain2008 All Songs Considered Chicago Public Radio WBEZnews Andrew Gill You Look Nice Today hodgman Fake Ira Glass Jen Marmor cshepherd adrienehill Tammy Terwelp Radio M Jordan_Morris Peter Sagal