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Ghetto Pop Life (Intro) into Ghetto Pop Life ... get it. Listen. Feel it. Oh yeahh..
@bryanwoods hey, to what codec and what dev resource are you referring here?
I really hate Twitter assuming I want all my URLs tiny-fied. I like the cut of this Shirky's jib
Clay Shirky on Love, Internet Style
i hurt. i think it's broken. :.(
missing mary jane :.(
@onigiri into the void. happy bday?
i dunno what a tillerman is. i hope he shares his tea.
had a beautiful moment just now as a song hit that perfect moment just as something i am building began to work. ahh.
@_evan great, new word. approve.
i am real tired of tiny urls, whether created by or not. too much obfuscation! nobody uses the preview features! STOP, ye, STOP!
these dress form people are making a killing
totally jealous that @rm has more followers than i.. it's his hair, which is totally unfair, as there is just no way that i can compare!
connect(2) will retry in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1..
Scientists extract images directly from brain -
god dammit twitter, i'll tinyurl when i feel like it! jerks.
everyone already knows i'm good on the ground
crap, i forgot to call in gay today


Jon Larkowski Jim Remsik Rob Mientjes Christian Carter Emanuel Carnevale PJ Hyett Evan Zach Inglis Stephen Colbert tim j Joe Frost why the lucky stiff  Martha Depta Baron Von Dragon Pratik James Sime Jeremy Kemper cookbook hashtags smallacts Aditya Chadha Bryan Woods desi Luke Francl itsapeugeot Nathan Weizenbaum Neko & Buranshe Scott Ballantyne Alphacore Muxtape Ian Miles Ownbey diaffalo Vann Ek MarsPhoenix vimeo wholemilk