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@brianthecoder going to attempt to make a Calender About Nothing for using my stationary bike :)
just ordered an Arduino Duemilanove :)
FINALLY! They have heelys in my size!
Oh, it's one of *those* days.
a (old) mac mini pulls only 23 Watts when idle... that's insane.
@damon I am so far down the rabbit hole right now... wow. Thinking mini-itx, tiny power supply, usb drive, wifi and wine case
what's the cheapest computer I could get/make with usb and wifi?
@kevinrose what did you do during summers in high school?
@jnunemaker I've done the tab thing in the past, but there's a good bit of memory involved. with the opacity, you can nudge even easier...
figured out a cool hack for when I'm chopping a design to html/css. Use fluid to create an SSB and set it's opacity to 50%. Place atop PS!
@jchris you're doing it wrong. you amyhoy FIRST.
@alexknowshtml if they'd focus the link, command+return would do the trick :/
@alexknowshtml Sorry, should have specified — keyboard only way?
anyone know a way to open an article in google reader in a background tab? ("v" opens in new window, but since it's js, it's foreground)
@noradio it still feels like 2003 to me. :(
@damon thanks for recommend sin. maybe I can work on it more and get it popular ;) patches welcom


rabble Blaine Cook veen Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt J Chris Anderson Scott Beale Maureen Evans Michael Buffington John Nunemaker Dan Cederholm Cal Henderson Justine Alex Hillman Larry Amit superamit Gupta Geoffrey Grosenbach Tom Bridge Kevin Cheng Zach Hale Bre Pettis Simon Willison Scott Raymond Adam Keys Avi Bryant Andy Baio Jesse Newland Mel Kirk Ryan Carson Alex Payne John Gruber Bruce Williams jimbo wales Robby Russell meangrape
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