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I need cooking skillz.
Ohhh, new Google Reader look. I like.
A foreign bank refused to let my client wire money to me because WaMu is "insolvent". At Bank of America opening an account.
@noradio Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis FTW. I think the same applies for German in some areas as well.
Overhearing VCs talk about investing green in a Mountain View coffee shop. Hard to get used to living in Silicon Valley.
Wow, Pownce sold to Six Apart. All messages will eventually be gone from their servers. Glad I didn't have a lot of my data invested in them
#github (and "git reflog") to the rescue! Oh how bloody the bleeding edge is....
Just blew away all of the code I wrote today because of a confusing git edge case: committing locally to a "remote" branch is a lie. *cries*
Sad day for vegetarians. So much unnecessary suffering. :(
Just gave blood for a bone marrow donor program to test. I may be a match for a kid with leukemia.
@wbruce My concern is more toward our unquestionable taboo of cults. Misinformation and democracy are not compatible in the long run.
Nooo!! Germany gave in on its ban of Scientology. Seriously, how do we define "cult" these days? Even Westboro gets away with it...
Countdown's "#1 story" tonight of the Palin interview in which turkeys were being beheaded in the background went too far, even blurred out.
Ted Stevens must have clogged the tubes on his way out. My internets are slow today.
@shinzon What caused your voice to be out for a whole month?
I've completely lost my voice. Kind of a weird experience, actually.
So excited I can't even sleep. Today was a great day for Adhearsion Inc.
@nkallen I thought I told you not to drunk-tweet!
Can anyone possibly make a cogent argument in support of a pure laissez faire after all this mess?
Interesting tidbit from dinner the other night worth sharing: Obama is TOTALLY a Jean-Luc Picard.


rabble Blaine Cook Surj Patel Aaron Huslage Geoffrey Grosenbach Leslie Chicoine Adam Keys Avi Bryant Alex Payne Peter Cooper Bruce Williams Obie Thomas Howe Britt Selvitelle Amy Hoy Erik Kastner Nathaniel Talbott Eric Hodel Chris Wanstrath PJ Hyett Evan Denise Johnson rick Err the Blog Chad Fowler Patrick Ewing Dave Troy Barack Obama Ben Bleything Kelly Jeanne Fowler Jeremy McAnally c3 Tim Bray andreas weigend Giles randulo
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