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Or not... foutmelding Er is een technische fout opgetreden. foutcode MESSAGE_WEB000_500.
So, I had to actually hack the query string to be able to use the ABN-AMRO banking site because they broke their crappy JavaScript.
Is there a Dutch business bank where I can use Safari to do my banking that's not always broken like the ABN-AMRO?
@amyhoy Most passwords are somewhat easier to remember than a 16 digit number and a month and a year and the 3 digit 'security' code.
@amyhoy A reason to use password type input elements could be to make sure the user agent knows it's a password.
Download and install sucked as always, but PS CS4 does feel faster and lighter. Oh, and the Content-Aware Scale is fucking awesome.
The amount of crap bundled with PS CS4 is amazing. There's even an Adobe Media Player.
Done. Now I have to Download the Download Manager so that the Download Manager can Download my Download. has been processing my credit card for a good solid five minutes now
"Our systems can only process Western text. Avoid using Chinese characters, Cyrillic letters, etc." --
Upgrading to Photoshop CS4. The Adobe site is stil crap and slow and broken.
Has more iPhone apps than Mac apps.
Designing this year's Fingertips holiday cards.
Amazed that Twitter still doesn’t understand UTF-8. The JS counter was at 0, but I still got an error message saying it was over 140 chars....
@amyhoy Even if you read something mildly boring? ;) Anyway, there’s a ton of good advice out there if you have real trouble falling asleep....
@amyhoy Set your alarm at 7 AM, brush your teeth, sit down, read a book, go to bed when you're too tired to read. Do this for a few days.
If you need to write some tricky JavaScript UI code, why not hire Thomas Fuchs to do it for you instead? We're very happy we did.
The Old New Media People are once again going to party like it's 1995;


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