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peering into the heavens above, from which a multitude of unique stars flutter into my eyes and moisten my face.
blessing El Jugo de Otoño.
somebody pass me another vessel. <hic> this one's empty.
@SoopaG that's how The Spirits speak. i am merely the vessel, a humble servant, lord of nothing.
@SoopaG oh piel pálida chica, coma más tamales y mole, a continuación, los caídos se plantean. <hic> The Spirits have spoken.
@SoopaG <channelling the DARK spirit> we dun need no advice from no MILK chocolate eaters. pansy. </dark spirit> hola chica.
these are not the snacks you are looking.
weaving tales sewn with bits that none shall read.
i'z too much at peace wit Ze Cosmos to be <hic> twyping on ze <hic> ... er ... on ... ze ... thing ... thingy. uh, pass Th ...
preparing The Sacred Juice. are you ready?
drinkin' The Sacred Juice.


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