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@hmcfabulous I'm waiting for my mom at National Airport at 10:50pm... Does that count?
Brian Eno all up ins my iPhone -- check out Oblique Strategies (free) and Bloom ($3.99 and so worth it) at the App Store.
"Theme From Shaft" played by an orchestra of ukuleles: It really grooves at 41 secs when the bass uke comes in.
HADRON: Maybe we DID get sucked into a black hole into an alt universe where things are only SLIGHTLY different, imperceptibly different
@JohnGaltDC I say we throw a nuke into the black hole created by the supercollder and see what happens!
@D_Tailz I taught you how to be bored?
@MattBowen Actually, I think it's a hollow brass tube that someone hollers down when they need more coal shoveled into the boiler.
Woodblock is the new cowbell -- mark my words.
Putting down the Blackberry and picking up the breast pump.
In space, no one can hear me kvetch.
Slept until 1p two days in a row. Something is afoot.
dolor de mi estomago necesito ginger ale
Now THAT'S some innovative thinking as well as highly functional design:
@MattBowen Thanks for Yotify... Hopefully it'll find me the 1976 Fender Jazz bass I've been looking for lo these past 25 years.
"Conet Project" now available free online. Very spooky.
@helenmosher Really? For real? I've been trying FOR SIX MONTHS. Happy wedding, BTW!
@LankyStanky Thanks for properly vetting the date of my birth!
@LankyStanky It was actually directly outside her office , but I defy her or anyone else to point to the site of impact. LIVING RUG.
Spilled an entire cup of coffee on the office carpet. In 3 seconds there was no trace left. This proves THE CARPET IS ALIVE.


Barack Obama Sarah Ivey Rock Dave Riordan Brian Morrissey Photojojo Travis Ray Stankiewicz The Onion Ross M Karchner MattBowen Kristen Rutherford Helen Mosher Melissa Wiley cathyginther travismorrison j o h n  muh lee nuh Nick Sowden All Songs Considered hmcfabulous elguapo1611 wahoogirl Maha Shami RachelleLacroix Jon Carpenter Melissa Clark kevinyordy maggielmcg maiko1 unsweetened caridimargo yennylouie Cigarbox Planetarium MarsPhoenix Eric Axelson chrishaines