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Okay, I need to quit playing Scramble and pick up the house before Seth gets home.
Last package has been dropped off with UPS, so I think it's time for a little Sonic happy hour.
Wow...even with the "rural surcharge" it's still cheaper to ship my IL's gifts via UPS instead of USPS.
Consider this the official unofficial launch of my new "pro" website - You can also follow me at @stratechick.
Taking 121 down to Stonebriar was a mistake of epic proportions.
Good morning! Glad it's Friday...that means Seth comes home today! Er, at some point...depending on weather. Sigh.
@Beautea97 Randy is just a one-man train wreck/freak show.
Oh, I am so sad! No more ER Christmases!
Watching ER. I thought Jerry died...?WTF?
@blondie5000 My Fave office holiday parties always involved an intervention!
@alimccally Are the all named Buffy, Muffy, and Paris?
I love The Office.
Holy crap, what happened to Randy's hair?
I just realized I forgot to throw in my daily load of laundry.
Gifts for the BIL, SIL, and nephew are wrapped and ready to go. Could it be For now?
Just finished playing ball with Daisy and enjoying the nice weather outside
Just realized Twitter Tools didn't update when I posted my latest know you want to see it:
Ohhhh...I suppose I should go to the gym before I lose my momentum.
@dallas_news I was going to guess that all food would be $5.60 or less.


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