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Oh hes back oh sweet Denny
ok is this thing working now or what? its been so long I think I forgot what to do -blah
Unlimited messages again woohoo
Getting pedicure awww finally
Daws just rode the mamba and now hes ready for the boomarang he aint sacred of nothing anymore:)!
Lunch time, I'm hungry..but for what? Happy now S?? I'm here- posting :-)~
Daws and I were driving and singing in the car loudly last night..good times :-)
I'm back. Too tired and not wanting to be here (work) ugh
why doesn't robin comw up on my blog twitter? ugh
my feelings exactly robin!
robin i want the password - please!
what the hell is wrong with wordpress this week??
now i just have to get it to work on the blog -urgh
david a has no real star quality ok so maybe he does know something lol
some old guy here iin the office is discussing american idol as if he really knows what he's talking about..not lol
woohoo i found a new toy-thanks robin
Finally some nice weather to look forward to!
Why is everyone so slow when im in a hurry?
This weather Fucking sucks!