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PCA/ACA paper proposal accepted. Whew! Of course, now that means I have to write it O.o
Head cold seems to be abating, but I now have chest congestion. Also, my sleep is completely messed up even more than usual /whinge
that thing I just hit - it's called a wall. I'll be *very* glad when I shake this cold.
thankful for friends. @cabell & @jinjurly in particular get shout outs this weekend for saving my ass in various ways.
...files in one place. *Finally* found the flash drive I was looking for.
Today's lesson: you can have 10 flash drives, 4 external hard drives, and 3 computers & still be stupid enough to only save important
@earthlad I will paint it, but I'm not sure how yet. I've done a few others. - Stink bug crawling on christmas munny
there's a stink bug on one of my bookshelves. as i'm sick, getting up to get a cup and take it outside feels like a big production.
@jinjurly what are you working on?
There is a very quiet repetitive clicking noise when I try to turn on the drive. So very screwed.
Went to back up recent music files to external drive I use for that purpose but said drive won't power up.
I should know better than to even mutter the works "hard drive catastrophe". Grr.
Looking for copies of files that are on a misplaced USB drive. Trying to remember the approx. date of my last major hard drive catastrophe
Wishing I could harness the kind of productivity I get when I'm about to screw up a deadline well in advance of said deadlines.
Tokyopop Battlestar Galactica manga is available to pre-order. A friend wrote one of the stories:
whoever wrote the second episode of leverage probably read Gibson's Spook Country. Just sayin'.
lentil soup simmering. bread pudding baking. feed a cold, folks.
this morning's work stuff has been handled. orange juice has been acquired. my butt is heading back to bed (I hate being sick)