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Finishing up the new lamp today, then playing with Arduino and RepRap electronics.
@doctorow Congrats! Can I play an evil pol? ;-)
@kellypuffs only available on YouTube , I think. They played unplugged at DragonCon and the Steampunk convention in San Diego.
@kellypuffs Yeah! Robert tollaly pwns 'Creep' ! Have you heard any of their new acoustic stuff? !
@kellypuffs Excellent choice! I sold Nathaniel Johnstone my guitar, he's used it to lay down some tracks on the new album!
hosting friends from the dark side - of town.
And we're back - The Jack Putter Machine, zero defects.
@kellypuffs re: hacking the furnace - OK, I totally have to meet this guy.
Ppower is back but all coms are still down save one bar on iphone.
Rumour has it the power may be out for days! Well, I have an iPhone, a Minty Boost kit and a butane soldering iron. Best I get soldering.
@kellypuffs and there goes power on our side of town. The UPSes beeping are driving the dog bonkers!
Ice storm took FIOS out. No phone, TV, inet. Rethinking infrastructure choices.
@johnbattelle Re: Facebook status and Twitter. Yes! Twitter seems to be glue that empowers social networking sites.
Stepper Motor Drivers, DC Motor Driver, and PWM Driver boards built. Tomorrow Opto Endstop, Arduino Breakout, and Temp. sensor. G'night!
Do you think it would be dangerous to solder RepRap electronics while in bed with a head full of cold medicine?
@kellypuffs You're welcome, it was fun to write! Wow, you have quite the Twitter Posse!
New post: Steampunk Gift Guide @ Make:Blog (
Make: asked me to do another Steampunk Gift Guide this year!