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For better or worse, I'm free.
@NinaBD How exciting! Good luck!
I'm going to be an auntie! Woohoo!
My new hair color is a little Goth, but it suits my current mood.
2009's going to be better than 2008, right?
What's great is that just when I think I can't possibly hate my job any more, I do. It's a miracle!
Sigh. Lately, life has been a little more Death of a Salesman than sassy chihuahua.
@rodefer Not that we've found yet. And don't get me started on not having found a Martini's replacement anywhere. Blerg.
Just had some underwhelming sushi. Boo.
Trader Joe's triple ginger snaps are da bomb.
I'm knackered but it's hard to be grumpy when there's a purring cat in your lap, dammit.
Frah-gee-lay. Must be Italian.
Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.
@rodefer Oh I know the joys of roasted cauliflower, one of my winter staples.
Finally signed up for a photography class. So happy!
Also, I do NOT want ribbons and ruffles on an apron. Gag.
How come there are no more Alton Brown aprons to be had??
Who knew I'd love pickled cauliflower? A revelation!
Cannot believe how much Heroes sucks now.
Sigh. Last-minute packing, how I loathe you.


Wil Wheaton deb Malcolm Reynolds Cheyenne Dooce rodefer Jad Bean hodgman Princess Nebraska NinaBD EvanTheHenchman from Simply Recipes