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Booth booth booth booth
just enjoyed a drink and caught up with a friend from dear old RPI. It was great seeing you, Joe!
No, YER babuena!
Oww. My head really hurts.
Hooray for phosphorylation! :)
@ejacqui Who throws a shoe? Honestly!
Lunch. I keep forgetting it's Sunday.
Waiting for this talk to start. Hooray for science!
Chilling in the conference center, waiting for stuff to start. I'll be able to meet up with other folks from my company in about 30 minutes.
@blath Thanks! The picture doesn't do it justice though. :)
And time for a drink on the 39th floor. See? :)
P.S. @jyurek says it wasn't, but I swear we saw Michael Ian Black in the airport.
@vafarmboy well, I've never _driven_ in Philly, so I might not have noticed.
I'm convinced San Francisco is the double-parking capital of the world.
And by "drove" I of course mean "drive". Thanks, iPhone. :P
Top down again. Doing the 49 mile drove around San Fran. Just passed Union Square. :)
Crap, there goes the benefit of renting a convertible. Oh well, it's still a Mustang. Hooray for only 1 evening conference session today!
@mellowynk haha, we're nerds like that. :)
@aurich you around to grab a Redbridge some night this week?


Clint Ecker Jacqui Cheng Darth Vader Ars Technica Wii Jason Ziglar Barack Obama Sockamillion Jonathan Coulton Wayne Walton Klint Demetrio Angelo Simeoni optimism vafarmboy Erik Kennedy Eric Mill Peter Durfee Kate Falanga Rachel Reams rigeek Jon Yurek Ann curiositykt Joshua Glenn davechen VirtualWolf ephrog CuteOverload Chad Pytel Matt Karaffa Ken Fisher waubers JohnCleese edmistond Stephen T. Colbert