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After pot cookie monster, the day really can't get any better. g'night.
future timey fun: I giggled from across the country as my lizard-phobic mom hung up vid-conf in a panic as she saw my iguana crawl on me.
whoops. only 9 days til thanksgiving. how'd THAT happen?
Ya know, I think it'd be good for us all to go one day w/o launching a new twitter mashup, or anything else we generously call "service"
rainy outside, lauren making pancakes. and reggae music playing off pandora in the other room. Gonna be that kind of weekend.
@milsyobtaf Beruit's songs seem to be sad earworms to me. I guess I like the mournful voices:
Beirut song stuck in my head making me weepy. ukes + footage killing me:
@BaldMan Congratulations! Do you know when they'll be posting the full schedule?
In the shower today, I figured out the common thread of seemingly unrelated project directions over the last decade. Soapy north star.
@davidhwalker So how do you deal with the top-down strategic planning? Sometimes GTD just feels like hamster wheels rolling nowhere faster.
@jaypee4227 cool! What was the problem? Next up: PeggyGlobe
@wtd Dunno. I kind of like the lizard in my office... 'cept w/ bites and scratches -
@drapetomaniac WOW! You coulda had the extra .5 with a little Ting a Ling. Next time, Mr Loverman. :D What a fun day I'm having.
@pzriddle FTW! Nicely played, sir. Nicely played. Oh wait, do we still do "FTW"? re #arrested and #lamenetflixqueue
Honestly? Nobody cares about your twitterrank. I prefer to track foobarank to get MY cheap ego strokes. Mine is 6.0221415 × 10^23
@mcchris your netflix queue is so lame that when you get the dvds, the return envelopes are addressed to blockbuster
@donturn Sad. I will be in Austin the monday after EAST for 1.5 weeks for turkey-day... there's always maudies for good ol' times.
The universe does something interesting. When you DECIDE on things, the tree starts to shake and fruit falls from every unexpected place.
@Pistachio life-clock = hope and anxiety. The permission to drop the stuff that doesn't matter comes with facing results of our choices.
I now think "handling more than 1 thing at once" was not the problem. It's toxic when you put ANY energy in WRONG things. Licking wounds.


Scott Beale Heath Row Bre Pettis Larry Archer McChris Sandy Greg giovanni Glenda Sims banksean    Erica OGrady Grant Hutchins Ng Wai Mun Silona             whurley Marc Nathan Tim Trentham Prentiss Riddle Adam Rice Jeff Kramer Damon Clinkscales Irma Kramer Mando Escamilla ataraxy Don Turnbull Tristan Louis Tony D! Ryan Joy Dean McCall BarCampAustin Alex S. Jones Adina Will Dearman Erica Olsen Andy Payne MutantGarage
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