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Still learning
fah fah fah friiiiiiiii day! is tah tah tahhhhhh day!!!!
MindBites just pushed out a huge promo and I did the graphics. Check it out: I would love your feedback!
i am going to kill kai. this is way too many pngs to deliver. he is out of his mind!
having mac book power hour with tyler
just spent a half day packing my bathroom and vanity table...i don't like moving :(
Saw leslie today walking down s. 5th. Threw him a beer and bid him g'day.
I love Sparky so much that I give him filtered water from the office sink. Don't judge me.
my dad is 57 today. he won't see this even tho we've had many talks about twitter. but you will. so, happy birthday jim flegle! I LOVE YOU!
At the dryer chair having a steam engine lager on an empty stomach! Reading to kill a mockingbird and about to get a gwenyth cut.
About to get my hair cut at bird's...they just offered me a beer! before and after pictures coming right up.
really liking that fontshop site @juddlyon, thanks for the heads up.
it's freezing in the office today. it's like i work with a bunch of cold-blooded would i fair in chicago?
Skipping my motion graphics class and going to Bodhi Yoga :) And maybe improvising a Nightmare Before Xmas screening at my place.
taking out my dogsitting for lunch. eating at mother's. what to order?
all the west campus kids were up late to their nine o'clock classes...having the post-holiday slumps
after a stint on i-35 and picking up sparky in lakeway, i finally made it home. i'm sooooo home! yay! :D
En route to Dallas...about 1 hr to go. Need massage, shower, hearty meal (not fast food) and a drink. A big drink. And as stiff as it gets.
Thankful for family. Not thankful for being without internet. I wanna watch last ep. of heroes on hulu!
oh the joys of teaching others about Twitter :) especially Kentucky kin


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