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getting ready for finals week..should probably go for a quick run, but I'm feeling lazy today
@ceerock: it's a brew pub...not sure why they named it that
@mduprey: my "celebration" didn't really involve a whole lotta did involve a fair amount of pining away
heading out to Huske Hardware to "celebrate" my upcoming birthday with a few friends
@ceerock: bad joke..I was reacting to someone's comment about plowing snow and realized it hadn't really snowed here in >1 yr.
Re: the critic-blogger post: I don't think that anyone can expect academia to hire all of the fired movie critics, unless they'll adjunct
@KarinaLongworth: Thanks, I eventually found it by clicking through to your feed
@KarinaLongworth: which post? I can't find Jay Rosen on Twitter for some reason.
almost forgot that snow accumulates in some parts of the country
my quick review of Amir Motlagh's Plain Us: which you can watch on Vimeo (follow my blog link)
@amirmotlagh: blogging your movie ( now...will Tweet entry when it's done
what makes the coffee thing odd is that I don't think any of my office mates would have used the coffee maker for that, uh, purpose
is disgusted to find soup (or some other fluid) in his office coffeemaker this morning. WTF?!
watching "The Times of Harvey Milk" documentary to get geared up for Van Sant's "Milk"
yeah, I was selfishly eyeing a couple for myself, actually
@georgeonline: Threadless is a good idea for X-mas...wish my fam wasn't so hard to buy for
@rootclip: hadn't seen the SNL clip (, but it seems perfectly appropriate...Williams is actually pretty funny
@cinetrix: yep, I'll be using FE again....just trying to think of how I can make the course fresh my teaching game this semester
just left myself a reminder phone message on my office phone, which is OK, I suppose, but ended it by saying, "talk to you soon."
[continued] course load is pretty standard: 2 composition, 1 Intro to Lit, and 1 Intro to Film...need to reinvent the latter course soon


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