David Craige’s Favorites

WorldVisionUSA WORLD VISION REPORT: Children burned when a mob torched a church holding hundreds seeking sanctuary in Kenya ...
Desiring God
desiringgod Tell People Why You Love Jesus: (Author: Mike Tong) I'll start by telling you plainly that I want yo..
Mike Nagel
SeeMikeWrite I should write "The Hobbit Diet." On Second Breakfast now... and, yes, I'm a nerd.
Katie Czapala
kczap Just for u brent... Do jellyfish get gas from eating jellybeans? Why do u put Canadian bacon on Hawaiian Pizza? Did Adam & Eve have navels?
Katie Czapala
kczap Decalfinated
Katie Czapala
kczap Just for you kb - What do you call a cow that's just had a baby?
Katie Czapala
kczap Her co-workers were somewhat dubious. One finally asked, "Ok, what's the capital of Texas?" The blonde smugly replied, "T."
Katie Czapala
kczap "Hey, I bet I know something that all of you don't know. I know all the state capitals which proves that not all blondes are dumb."
Katie Czapala
kczap She went home & spent the evening learning them all. The next day, someone at her office told a dumb blonde joke & she immediately retorted,
Katie Czapala
kczap A blonde was upset at the blonde jokes she constantly heard. She decided she would learn the state capitals in an effort to defend blondes.


Tony Stubblebine Kapil Will Smith Betsy Weber Kathy Jacobs Matt Grayson Chris Webb ShoeMoney Rik J Leo Laporte Leo Laporte JaikuBot Mark Driscoll Kimberly Hamelburg Duke Carico Jacob Sloan Pamala TrendMicro goodnewsdaily The White House Compassion Intl lesliecarbone NadineTouzet Larry Short Jill Capote James Burgess GodExplorers G WorldVisionUSA johnhasson Perry Branch techiegal Jus10brown mitchpoe Larry Short Mike Nagel