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Breaking for brunch, yes everyday is brunch for me because I get to busy and for get to eat lol
@mpnollid You can use Tweetlater or Socialtoo to be notified of unfollows
For thoses who have asked the link luv will continue tomorrow I'm freakin hair pulling out overwhelmed out straight busy <cheshire grin>
@SheSales No she likes webkins and I am seriously trying to get her interested in other things I used for step-son
Hi and Thank you to all my new followers...I'm excited to have you in my twitterverse!!
Looking for a couple really cool, unique gifts for a 12 yr old girl and not webkins she has over 30, any suggestions?
@RobertJGates I love that idea but I don't think my fiance would go for it lol
@ericcole Not really just trying to kill 2 birds with one stone, get my exercise and twitter time all at once
Keep those answers coming on the auto install cpanel hosting providers!
Okay coffee time and a little CNN BBIAB!!!
@ericcole I'm enjoying my workout dance dvd's far more then the dreadmill but I set up a workstation on it so I can Twitter while I walk lol
@imnotkidding Well you'll know if you can or not by how many followers you lose lol
@imnotkidding I have to reinstall wordpress to 2.7 add theme, logo, lifestream and posts...basicly everything lol I should have it up soon
@Paul_Rasmussen Well have fun with that I'm certainly not envying you lol
@imnotkidding Well I've been known to cuss occasionally but no that was a misspell which I do often when I haven't had any coffee yet


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