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Today is the second-last day of this job. Tomorrow, I intend for this office to look like I was never here :D
I am severely tempted to buy all these art supplies... but will I ever use them?
And just watched about David Reiner on the Fifth Estate - how'd I go from never watching TV to spending an entire weekend doing so?
@ladyinbrown Just read it and let it drive you insane like the rest of us... #Twilight #NewMoon
@ladyinbrown As are most Canadians. We're not really anti-American, we just don't get most of what you guys do day to day
@ladyinbrown Definitely. I think Hollywood generally pumps out a ton of drivel.
Just watched "The Polar Express". Low on substance, high on fast-moving animation. A single watch is good enough for me.
@Artmaker Quick Google search says: Edit > Edit Colors
@jedijon DUDE. That's the intro to "The Seed 2.0"! So good!!!
@hidama @jbonewald Yup - I'm still in Genesis, but there's a lot I'm coming across - I hope to document it all soon.
@ladyinbrown I think so - my best friend has a Pearl and it works fine for him :)
@ladyinbrown Most def. I have OS 4.5, the most recent one, which definitely allows that.
@jedijon And here I thought you were embarassed about cleaning your room.
@hidama @jbonewald Hm - I may start up a new section of blog for said purpose?
@hidama Example? I'm trying to do a personal Bible study to get through the whole NIV version of the book - I'm fairly new to the faith.
@Artmaker LOL. Good luck with all that scanning, buddy!
@ladyinbrown To steal from Andy Samberg and Chris Parnell, peameal bacon is "CRAZY DELICIOUS!!!!"
@missrachelrox That is so awesome that I don't know what to do with myself. Google - what CAN'T you do?!
@ladyinbrown PEAMEAL BACON IS SO GOOD. Come up to Canada and we'll fry some up for you!


Darth Vader Danielle Corsetto Scott Christian Sava Barack Obama Hawk Tonedeff Boing Boing Hammer Sarah Shuster KanYe West Jamie Ridler I-Ming Chris Flick DungeonWarden rtlechow thinkgeek pingfm Steve Smoothie Kevin J jbonewald Sarah Wood Pablo P Keith Williams Imogen Heap Stephanie pinkraygunguy ~~Charles Hamilton~~ Vibe Magazine davina Dasit postethotic Melissa T. Draughn Ruben Harris Mark Ramskill jeffcarnahan smashingmag