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I found my keys! I was about to throw in the towel.. Turns out they were under a southpark dvd box.. Go figure
Power lunch at la hacienda
couldnt' find my badge this morning, lost wallet for a while, ate mcdonalds... can anything else go wrong today?
All I want for xmas is a hulu iPhone app... seriously.
I'm geeking out... Finally got an iPhone wahoo!!
An outlook idiot apparently... Reply ≠ Reply-to-all
well what you didn't see is the code for a non-breaking space, & n b s p ; (except remove those spaces)
IE's stopper this time?   Thanks Jimi
Did I mention Internet Explorer?
I may be a lot dumber than this computer, but i'm definitely faster!
the world can exhale now!
Win win... no wait in line, and free starbucks
Heading out to vote!
Waiting on windows and adobe to stop fighting. Typical day of waiting on programs that are froze up.
Why carve a pumpkin when you can carve a backwards 'b' in your cheek and blame it on a minority?
Working with a cat that refuses to get off of my lap.
Posted a free WP theme yesterday, enjoy...
Getting ready for more dental torture. Gotta get a crown today :(


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