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is wide awake, it's morning.
wants a hippocampus for Christmas. Only a hippocampus will do.
made a pumpkin penne recipe for dinner that was...interesting.
is home and exhausted. 'Night, all.
needs to buy crabmeat for the Mormon crab dip. She is not feeling particularly ambitious.
's huz loves it when she has 4 cooking projects going at the same time. But at least she didn't leave wet laundry in the washer for a week!
nearly was accosted by a bunch of drunken hooligans at Applebee's. Until she realized they were her friends.
just found out why no deposits have been made to her TIAA-CREF account since SEPTEMBER. Because the college is BROKE!
@Sundry You're gonna need a bigger stroller.
is listening to Cop Song. :-)
worked 14 hours today. Auuughhhh.
remembers why she hates the end of the semester. Two words: Exam. F*ckups. And it's only day one!
is home again.
is Keeping Calm and Carrying On.
cannot wait until December frickin' twenty-third.
is experiencing a paradigm shift. And not exactly liking it.
has no idea what she's eating. Mystery salad!
needs lunch. And a nap.
needs to wash off her show drag and get to bed.


Maggie Mason bryan mason Zoot jessamyn Tracy kristie617 AB Chao M-D November Schmutzie Barack Obama Stephen Colbert kristy Dooce Eden MarriottKennedy Melissa Summers Alice Bradley Jon Armstrong Fake Steven Wright Heather B. Cookie the Dog Tracey GaughranPerez mimi smartypants familyblender DiningFever Robert Rummel-Hudson JohnCleese erinjshea Toby Ziegler Sondra Harris ladyloo Old Woman thatsmybix Ernest_Hemingwa Truman Linda