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stepped off the N-Judah and nearly got creamed by a clueless driver. She yelled, "JESUS!" right in front of the Jewish center ladies. Oops.
thinks ALL patrons should salute her, not only the patron who respectfully requested to be excused from the reference desk.
is a firm believer in vitamins after 2 weeks of taking them each day. Also, peppermint oil diluted in water is a terrific stomach soother.
@SuperKevbo The royal we had lovely, lovely Thai food.
wonders when riding the N-Judah became a full-contact sport. A bunch of us were slammed into a wall when the driver stopped VERY suddenly.
waits impatiently for the N-Judah, Frontalot on the iPod, driven mad by the thought of a mug of tea only 5 miles away. Might start walking.
takes herself out to lunch. Happy Thursday!
yawns, but doesn't want to go to bed yet. Not enough time!
@quiverandquill It would have been cooler had I been the first person to save on Delicious, instead of :)
@lisenberg Hi there! I'm thinking of you, too! (By the way, it's Robbie's birthday today!)
@bradleyallen Does "social location" refer to one's place in the social hierarchy or one's literal geographic location broadcasted to peers?
@ginabanina We used to say, "XYZ PDQ!" which I think is old-school shorthand for "Examine your zipper pretty darn quick!"
mentions 2 holiday web tricks: Amazon Universal Wish List button & iTunes wish list: &
writes something: guesswork
had a lovely dinner tonight with a friend she missed so much. Now for tea and comfy clothes and perhaps an episode of "Fringe" or two.
is shocked to read that a young man was shot in the back and killed in Golden Gate Park on Saturday night:
finally got a new thumb drive today, upgrading from 256KB to 4GB! Now she is securely erasing the old one so she can donate it to Inveneo.
officially concedes defeat this NaNoWriMo, but wouldn't trade her time with @FunkyPlaid this month for 47,842 words.
was going to head to bed after a great SecondGiving meal with friends, but just discovered iTunes U. Free university lectures! Free!
is a new convert to @jonathancoulton's music, which happens to be a great soundtrack to assigning metadata to her personal files.


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