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@eight_blocks Unfortunately, they can't as far as I know.
@RandomEntity 1987? Never heard of it. It's not the one with Gabrielle Anwar, is it?
I think I put out a request for xbox live friernds before, then forgot to add anyone. Add me! I'm drcrypt and need more people to play L4D.
Why is my very first girlfriend the only one who ever shows up in my dreams? And why am I always protecting her from zombies?
@joeljohnson being away from computer, I can't be sure, but weren't we talking about the turks?
Humbert just nipped at me for trying to scrape off a TURD MOUSTACHE he had on his beak. Well, okay, I guess it is pretty dashing.
Humbert's favorite songs are ones that directly mention how much of a bird he is.
Also, while I usually try to treat racial stereotypes of eras past with conviciality, mickey rooneys's role is monstrously offensive.
Not that I wish it on her, you understand. She's just a total idiot.
Watching 'Breakfast at tiffany's' over cornflakes. Astonished that miss go-lightly has not been raped 1000 times by the start of the film.
@KarinaLongworth a book about reading? How could you go wrong?
@taohansen Got a URL for Starscream? Humbert's depressed: he's molting. It would do him good.
Finally, a cookbook that helps me feel useful in the kitchen:
Gruber was right. Tweetie is a fine iPhone twitter app. How did twitteriffic get it so wrong?
@mistercharlie ah, Naples. The sunken cunt of Italy.
@mistercharlie you are not, sir. It's a well publicized omission from 2.2. Boy, you're missing out!
At the Bird, having beers, feeling vaguely unsatisfied with myself.
It is snowing in Berlin. Humbert is thoughtful and fascinated.
GNR's Chinese Democracy is better than I was expecting.


Xeni Jardin Mark Frauenfelder Georgene Ng Wai Mun Charlie Sorrel James Lileks Joel Johnson Annalee Newitz mathiasx John Biggs Karina Longworth Nic Walker Gina Trapani Bruce Sterling Jason Kottke Poormojo Phill Sea Joe Peichel tonx Meghann S. Bjorn Townsend Zombie Attack Bibi Matthew Meyer Sir Michael L. Foley Susie Stalker Eliza Gauger Bruce Brownlee Rob Beschizza Katheryn Chris Furniss Laurie/Zinjabeelah Bojan Sudarević