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at the end of a long difficult week.
I filled a small (seriously, small!) bowl with M&M's to eat, thinking that would keep me from eating too many. Guess what. I ate too many.
From the random advice thread: it might not be advisable to show Moulin Rouge to your 4 year old. Just a thought.
Trying not to fall asleep at my desk. DESK. Stupid work.
So hot in my office that I might have to start stripping down. Which would be difficult, and embarrassing, since I'm just wearing a dress.
Really, really, REALLY wishing that I could sleep. Hoping I can go back to sleep before 3 a.m.
Wow, WOW, I am full of irritation these days. Can I please just hole up at home and not talk to anybody for awhile?
Stuck in my office with crazy senior counsel, who uses 20 words when one would do. Expect to be stuck for another 2 hours. Sigh.
Katie just asked me to "draw the drapes," a phrase I know she picked up from Amelia Bedelia. She's a sponge.
Feeling better today, having only walked a little over ONE mile today, instead of two. Also, trying to get the kid to GO TO BED.
Uh, I mean Costco. Not Costo. I cannot endorse shopping at Costo, by God!
I went for a 2 mile + walk today. Then later to Costo AND to Target. Yes, I am 38 weeks pregnant. Yes, I overdid it.
I ate cake. Now being kicked from within.
Well, what do you know? I just got it together and scheduled an eye exam for an hour and a half from now! Go, me.
Feeling like I'm going to get a headache again today. I really need to get my eyes checked.
Thinking maybe I should remember twitter exists more often than I do, although it's not like I have a lot going on lately, just the usual.
Packing to go to NYC tomorrow, SANS CHILD! Child and dog already with respective caretakers for the weekend.
Feeling sleepy at 7:15 pm. Yeah.
Getting ready to comply with my three year old's request to "feed me waffles," because I am a pushover.
Making coffee and chocolate chip cookies. Yes, for breakfast.


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