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@kgerwitz New content, new design.
@kgerwitz 6 year old site, zero backlinks = skepticism
It's totally snowing.
Best compliment I've ever gotten:"You look like a hitman."
Brad Bird looks like Joss Whedon.
Fulfilled my jury duty requirements. The prosecutor looked like the short fat Bob from Office Space.
I had a dream that I woke up and found out I had a PageRank of 6. I was so happy.
Ooh, titanium spork:
I'm honestly having trouble keeping track of which Harry Potter movies I've already seen.
Considering an Adsense Karma day where I click on every ad I see.
Old and busted:Being bought out by Microsoft. New hotness:Government bailout.
My Twitter profile has a higher PageRank than my site.
This encapsulates my hatred for American car companies:
Direct.. quote from the Associated Press: "[Ted Stevens is a] crotchety octogenarian built like a birch sapling."
Ted Stevens Fail!
Tool + Stinkfist + decent subwoofer = hell yes!
Riding the caffeine train to Flavor Town.
@The_jimski They need to have somebody look at that in Firefox.


hans.gerwitz Ryan Stephenson Daniel Nissenfeld Kelly Stephenson Steve Smith Kurt J. Adam Moore angela collins Dave Brown shannon e thomas Very Tasteful Kristan Jason Fiehler Sean Merle gyannirein tmart100 Jimski The_Sprocket Becky_Roo chai_latte JK bishmart AnimationMentor Casey terra The Office on NBC marnikarlin cbirish1916 Karen J Lloyd linkbuildr