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Pretenders were fantastic. Just finished. Css up next.
The gentleman is a dope, indeed.
Bloc party just finished. Each act keeps getting better.
Well here's what I think. Old bloc arty is cool. New stuff. Not so much.
Fittingly for a show featuring Css. They are selling jaeger. No one doing yoga yet.
For those ok their way to wreck the halls, black kids just finished.
In spiffy club nokia, waiting for indie wreck the halfs
@MarinaMartin Why? did Dunkin Donuts go out of business or something?
Dunno about BrightKite. TMI, I think.
The world is falling apart.
@jason_pontin For you, Jason-my friend, are a brave man, indeed.
@thesmitten Sure do. All the time. Especially weird words like "awkward."
@indieradiochatt and @zaldor Thanks guys. I have faith that brighter things are on the horizon. I'm not sad at all.
Why can't corporations think of better ways to deal with losses than losing valued employees? I don't understand.
It's strange. People thank you for how great you were to work with, as you're walking out the door. Um, thanks, I think.
@persuasive Thanks. Maybe I'll use this free time to work on finishing my book!
To those who didn't know, I used to work for the Hollywood Reporter. :-( Tough times we are in.
Well. Survived the first two layoffs. Didn't survive this one. Happy Christmas.
Congratulates the amazing new morning show host of Indie 103.1: TK!!!!!! YAY. I'm so happy!!!! Finally, a good one!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams sara Dunstan Jason Goldman Jason Shellen hans.gerwitz Buzz Andersen JD Matt Galligan danah boyd Dick Hardt Brian Walsh Jason Cosper seanbonner Xeni Jardin caroline Manton Reece Justin Williams Michael Ferguson Gordon Gavin Nick Douglas Andrew Crow Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Hillary Hartley Jim Hallers Jeremy Hubert Scott Beale Erika Hall Josh Bancroft Antonio Edward thomasknoll
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