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i am want your final thoughts on the #Mumbai info streaming on Twitter. am writing two articles on the matter and need quotes.
@kai_zuky am finding The Hindu a pretty decent source, bad web design notwithstanding :D
@mochamomma am giving away Wii games next week. stay tuned :)
if y'all have any good stuff about Mumbai or other matters, please twitter your links. have a good one.
good morning peeps. will be most of the day off-the-grid mired in family matters. will have sporadic moblogging.
and grock knows am behind A TON of blogging. i have to catch up tonight. oy.
yes peeps, am back in front of the 'puter. just doing a bit of online shopping while i try to keep one eye on the twitter stream :)
@nahumg thanks. i'll actually reply with a post to @om. i have a different take on this "problem". thanks
if you see any other interesting information about the Mumbai attacks (that go beyond the traditional Paki finger pointing), send it my ......
during my off-twitter time, i've been researching the possible connections between Somali pirates and the Mumbai attacks
@heathr oh shit! yes! hold on. let me DM you.
found it! Navy official will not rule out Somali pirates' role
@TheJennTaFur their pies are good. there's a japanese bakery here in the east village that makes the best stuff evah. PANYA Bakery on 9th st
@TheJennTaFur here in NYC? I barely eat stuff made out of wheat, so am behind the baking times :P
time for breakfast
from @sameer_gupta : My earlier report on UK PM is not valid. He is not sure if Mumbai extremists are Britons. #mumbai


Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Wayne Sutton om Tara missrogue Hunt Darla Mack Manuel Viloria Thomas Vander Wal WDavidStephenson Dan Patterson Vinu Dave Winer Jason Calacanis George Kelly Nancy Scola James Walker Molly E. Holzschlag Jennifer Woodard M Brian Russell Ruby Sinreich   christine Aldon Hynes Lori White Chuck Olsen Beth Kanter Elisa Camahort Glennia Zadi Diaz marianne richmond MJ Dina debs Joshua Levy Karen O'Brien  C.C. Chapman
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