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@ultimatejosh you just blew my mind with that google reader observation
RT @ultimatejosh: Major victory for environmental progressives (via @polizeros)
@chris23 would location awareness solve that? Just find nearby tweets and define small range
@cshirky nice. You had some great students
"when I'm older I'll have a son and name him 'Dad' and then beat the shit out of him." comedian kenny zemlinghaus
"I just realized that Juan Williams' mustache makes him a possible Obama cabinet pick" - blogger @jjpolitics
Jack & Jill Politics is liveblogging a conference of community organizers planning to govern (Realizing The Promise) (
RT @huffpost: MediaMatters: How to discuss the wages of Detroit autoworkers: Behold the miracle when ..
overheard: there's a lot of money in the sex trade business, in reference to online personals
@Kristasphere wiser words have never been spoken. N-Please indeed
@freepress i just wrote up a post about your FCC Chair help wanted questionnaire
Afro: Clarence Thomas Questions Obama Citizenship - Jack & Jill Politics (
RT @freepress: The Brookings Inst estimates each percentage pt increase in broadband adoption results in nearly 300,000 jobs each year.
Free Press: Wanted, FCC Chair. check the top three qualifications you most want for commissioner (
RT @TheOnion: Evander Holyfield Claims His Quest For Severe Brain Damage Keeps Him Fighting
RT @TheOnion: Bush Dragged Behind Presidential Motorcade For 26 Blocks
Dean Obeidallah: Middle East Sees "Explosion" Of Comedy, First Stand Up Festival In Arab World (
RT @TheOnion: NFL Goes On Nationwide Crime Spree As Plaxico Burress Creates Diversion
Twitter has been so slow in taking on this “low-hanging fruit,” he said, “that it’s amazing anyone uses Twitter today.”


Biz Stone Evan Williams Michael Epstein danah boyd Mary Hodder om Dave McClure Nick Douglas Scott Beale Dan Patterson Clay Johnson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis George Kelly Glenda Derek Powazek Matthew Bischoff Sooz Eric Ruby Sinreich   christine Chris Brogan kristen crusius Dave LaMorte John Federico Veronica Belmont Doug Haslam Jim Long Kristin Philip Campbell Kevin Cheng MJ Patrick Haney  C.C. Chapman SMITH Magazine Robert Scoble
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