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Speed of bluetooth file transfer between MacBook and Nokia 6120c: ~75 kbps.
Tweaking CSS.
We're not #30rock watchers but after this episode I might just start.
I'm with Pam. Chairs. #theoffice
The Georgetown Iceberry is open! It's the perfect time of year to open up a frozen yogurt place!
@okcalvin If something exciting happens, or if I can get a steadicam-phone-mount hat.
@okcalvin Dunno, it gets bothersome to be holding up the phone while walking around and crossing streets
yay, now looks iphone-ish in symbian too. i was getting annoyed at some features not being available on my nokia.
I totally saw police divers in the Potomac River off the Harbour today.
Got a Sony bluetooth headset with iPod dongle. It is acceptable for the price. 3 stars.
Saw an old grifter hanging around Metro Center in his wheelchair. Wonder if he's still claiming Katrina refugee status.
Journey to Babel: Vulcan boys mercilessly tease their half-Vulcan classmates? That is not logical! #trek140
Argh, was hoping to stream on @ylive right up till they turned out the lights but I forgot and got caught up in, uh, stuff.
Marveling at this lovely Second Life reproduction of Mont Saint-Michel:
@beaucoupkevin i wouldn't have minded a Point Break musical. It could have incorporated songs by Wild Stallionz and Dead Presidents.
Having a whole grain Tuscan linguine at Noodles and Co, Ballston
Trying out GooSync and liking it very much -
@sillygwailo more like Cmd-Opt-P-R + reboot
Bread and Circuses: "Parallel Planetary Development?" Really? Then how come the modern Imperial Romans speak English and not Latin? #trek140


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams sara Dunstan Krissy Bush Alissa Steve Jenson Rael Dornfest Ian McKellar Jason Goldman veen Jason Shellen Lane Amanda Udoff peterme Maria Jose Manuel Viloria gary ryan adam mike k Michael Sippey Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek wyclif Scott Andrew Alicia Miguel Paraz Meg Hourihan Tom Bridge fake mat honan Jeremy Keith Andre Torrez Tantek Çelik Hickensian
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