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up to my elbows with jr. high orchestra auction stuff. Donations welcome!
Kitten caught a mouse and brought it to me. I screamed my head off. He let it go. i am now on a chair. Mice are creepy.
Still smiling from last nights concert. My son has some serious Bass talent. Makes his mama proud.
We got our tree up, we got our tree up la la la la la!!!
Getting xmas presents done so i can get them in the mail.
Home from a yummy dinner with family in down town Portland.
Just home from Scouting for Food. We collected almost 800 pounds. nap time..
Finished one Christmas present- now off to bed
Kitten has finally returned home- hungry and smelling like dirt. We are all very happy. Especially G.
Kitten is still missing..
One of the kittens got out this morning. She is roaming the neighborhood and needs to come home so I can stop worrying.
Just home from Nim's Island. Cute movie- glad I only paid a buck to see it.
@someToast I'm so sorry to hear that as well. She was very well loved :)
running errands
Getting gift baskets ready for son school auction.
cleaning up dinner and preparing for a night of boy scouts
Is it really already morning already??
Getting the house ready so we can put up our tree
@rynosoft and @tariomaster yes but mostly lips and assholes
ah pie..... now i'm stuffed again


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