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All New Year is over, and I shan't be updating this twitter any more.
Twitter is over.
@escapist: Agreed. I think I want it offa my website.
Less than a month left in the All New Year!
likes Super Tuesday way more than the Super Bowl.
will wear a shirt and tie, while you wear some old found blouse/ I'll be kicking mad rhymes like Chuck Norris kicks a roundhouse.
I had forgotten how monumentally boring I find football.
I am a superb owl.
what's cookin'?
yo smed
Why can't anybody come up with an application that makes my twitter automatically update with my facebook status?
Toss up: Lost or The Debate tonight?
Two buck chuck? The best two dollars I've spent.
hey reener
i feel like turd
Week of Taco Tuesdays starts today.
I love free time.
@escapist: And it's LOUD AS HELL.
When life gives you lemonade, reverse-engineer lemons.


dana j. robinson Jonathan Lassoff Jason Carlin Producer Bill Joshua Hale Fialkov Dani Jennie Church-Cooper Chelsea Coleman Paris zabsters