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Environmental Ethics
Subtopics of Environmental Ethics:
  • Deep Ecology (18)
  • Ecofeminism (6)
  • Religion and the Environment (20)
  • Social Ecology (2)

  • Categories within Environmental Ethics:
  • Actions You Can Take (4)
  • Articles (1)
  • Educational Resources (6)
  • E-Mail Lists (3)
  • Events (0)
  • General Info (3)
  • Government Resources (0)
  • Jobs & Volunteering (0)
  • Organizations (12)
  • Publications (3)

  • Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 resources in Environmental Ethics:

    1. acts-of-resistance.org
    Brussels, Belgium
    acts-of-resistance.org exists to encourage individuals and groups around the world to take action to resist the unequal, inhumane and environmentally toxic consequences of Western economic, ...
    Category: Actions You Can Take

    2. Brute Ethics - The Animal Ethics Encyclopedia
    United Kingdom
    Animal ethics encyclopedia. ...
    Category: General Information

    3. Collective Heritage Institute
    Santa Fe, NM, USA
    Collective Heritage Institute (CHI) seeks to cultivate both a material and a spiritual basis for their ongoing conservation through practical and visionary solutions. CHI projects ...
    Category: Organizations

    4. Environmenal Ethics Resources
    New York, NY, USA
    A small website that includes essay on environmental ethics and philosophy as well as a list of a number of similar resources. ...
    Category: Educational Resources

    5. GREED - new theory
    GREED - new theory on this destructive force in free market economies. Arguments. Remedies. ...
    Category: Articles

    6. The Ecology of Environmentalism
    Article discusses the varying viewpoints within the environmental movement and beyond. ...
    Category: Articles

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