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@brianboyer And yes(!) to taking risks. But right now, print $ = time to evolve. If you're *not* evolving, that's cultural.
@brianboyer "Evolve or perish" - I don't disagree one bit! But killing even smallest day of print takes millions off company's bottom line.
@brianboyer But it's not waste to continue product that's profitable. May be crutch that makes culture change harder, a different problem.
@brianboyer Hey I'm with you wanting to stop cutting reporting staff. Getting through is going to take investment, and serious stones.
@brianboyer My habits would agree, but 1 reason: Even the tiny Monday paper turns a profit because of ads.
@mattwaite Have you tried Tweetie? $3, but I switched from TwitterFon and like very much. Uses, better search/browsing, account mgmt.
@baconsalt Favorite use so far: grilled potato salad. Grill potato slices & scallions & eggs (it works!). Mix w/ mayo, season w/ bacon salt.
@Briannepruitt I've found it up here in Spokane. They've got a location list here
@wmhartnett You cannot have @andrewzahler. I will fight you for him!
Oh how I'd love one of these - 3G signal makes you a walking wifi hotspot
@klohrenz Maybe you've already solved this, but ...
@wageek Best wishes. Hope the panic and worry are for naught.
@mtigas Some of the greatest websites ever are .info!
Merry 8-bit Christmas!
@brianboyer Can't wait to take a look at how handled Django + Facebook Connect.
@klohrenz See? Bloglines ftw!
@blushresponse Photos of The Sword, by any chance?
Not really up for $30 to see The Sword open for someone else. But *totally* up for standing outside club's back door to hear "Freya"!
@mc Thanks! Posts and feeds from you, @ubernostrum, @sketch22, @jcroft have been super valuable for us. Still feel like Django rookies.


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