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lost my phone on the plane, so less tweeting on vacation!
on the plane, heading toward Wyoming and cross-country skiing!! is the biggest worldwide video site next to YouTube, with 40 mm uniques per month.
having lunch at Michael's with Mike Vorhaus and Erick Hachenburg (ceo) and Jack Rotherham (biz dev) at
ran into Nathaniel Wice, who launched an iPod product after selling the name for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
apparently, JP Morgan took a big hit from the Tribune collapse, too. This does not bode well for media.
also saw Steve Newhouse (Conde Nast), who said he got the most upsetting call. His JP Morgan banker was fired. No more media practice!
look out for it from Basic Books in May.
Ran into Rachel Lehmann-Haupt, who just turned in her book, In Her Own Sweet Time. It's about post-35 decisions regarding motherhood.
rumored at M Wolff party: he thanked people in the acknowledgements who specifically did not cooperate.
after the Wolff party, on to @mediabistro event on Social Media, featuring @CraigNewmark among others!!
going to Michael Wolff's book party, The Man Who Owns the News. About Rupert Murdoch. Wonder if Rupe will be there!
@bonniefuller -- screw the naysayers: I'm impressed you're twittering.
@jonfine can't figure out what to get our 17 year old niece for xmas, a bag of condoms or baby diapers.
looking forward to brunch tomorrow with @CraigNewmark, who's speaking on our (soold out!!) Social Content panel Tuesday.
done with Yoga class and Spin class; now at @Gimmecoffee in Soho, hoping there's a sale nearby. "Come Together," is playing!
Carney's reply "so you want me to do blog posts in print in the Sun, but a day after the news hits?"
the Sun newspaper last year, he turned the job down because they wanted him to cut and paste AP stories vs. original reporting.
at Greg Lindsay's party, ran into John Carney, the editor of When offered the job of Business Editor of the Sun
failed her screen test for the reality TV show about pressure job interviews. Ironic! I am nursing my sorrows over sweets at City Bakery.


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