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See, other adults play video games, too! It's not just me!
Twittering the National Debt. Nice idea. Shame the Democrats have joined Republicans in apathy about it.
@cyrusk Wow, congratulations! I'll give you a few days before I call. :)
@itsonlywords Well, it obviously wasn't good luck.
Nighttime trip to Staples due to inconsiderate printer ink cartridge. Yay.
@Emergiblog Interestingly, I noticed that TV Guide now has a guide to online video. Neat. Smart, too. That's where a market might exist.
TV Guide calls me to check if I'm happy with my magazine service. But I don't subscribe. So they hang up on me. Great PR work, guys!
Overheard kid on metro: "Daddy, is there ever sunshine in Washington, DC?"
Zombie Haikus & some by real poets. Awesome.
50 years of popular songs condensed into single sentences.
@lagomorph13 Not very. What was it?
This would be an impressively positive move by Obama. Kudos to him.
@alexcharyna Great idea! Thanks. Alex likes the games there. He's 6. But I'm the one playing them mostly. Um...for him, of course.
Playing flash games with Alex. Any really good flash games out there?
@stackiii Yes, Costco in Crystal City. I just assumed she was right, handed her $4 and then realized that I shouldn't have paid anything
Ripped off by Costco. They validated parking, then charged me anyway.
@lagomorph13 @mzampino @tcarah @aliakbar @republicangal "economics is political" = marxism; "politics is economical" = public choice theory
@LizMair It was on the restaurant speaker system, and no band names were given. I'm gonna quip Yo La Mode.
Chevy's Tex Mex is playing what sounds like a Mexican Depeche Mode.
@matthewstoller More seriously, I do wonder if the internet will increase the speed at which movements and echo chambers decay.


Clay Johnson Karl Frisch Jason Calacanis nicco mele Joshua Levy Robert Scoble Mark 'Rizzn' Hopkins CNN Breaking News Joshua Green Allen Erick Erickson James Lileks Steve Rubel Micah Sifry Six Apart Jerry Brito Todd Zeigler John Czwartacki Ken E Kaplan Michael Arrington Gabe Rivera Michael Krempasky Shelby Highsmith James Joyner Rick Klau Garrett Graff Jonathan Zittrain henry copeland Patrick Ruffini David Sifry Leslie Bradshaw Talley Cord Blomquist Jason Kenney Ethan Demme Mike Masnick William Beutler
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