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damn, the Steelers finally thumped the Pats. Here we go Steelers. Here we go!
it's very odd to be in the same room as your parents writing their will
Going to see Bond with @zack and dad.
8 Rosens packed in the family van on the way to the traditional Friday after Thanksgiving bowling.
23lb turkey is in the oven. one of two for tonight. then there is another one for tomorrow and the fridge is already packed with leftovers.
Really amused that three people in my phone are on KO/Maddow tonight. Candace, Jane and cousin Jonathan.
interviewing people from my childhood desk in Mars
my join the impact Sacramento rally report complete with pictures:
Someone had printed the Courage repeal Prop 8 pledge and brought them to the Sacramento Prop 8 Join the Impact rally. Awesome.
At the Sacramento Join the Impact Prop 8 protest. Probably 2-3,000 people here totaly self organized. #calitics
seriously have been on the phone all but 25 minutes from 9:15 am till now. ears hurt and throat is sore. damn you Prop 8!
Courage's Prop 8 tv ad mentioned in a LAT editorial today. "only one hard-hitting commercial" marriage equality ad aired
booked tickets home for Thanksgiving
2000 protesting Prop 8 on Sacramento West Capitol steps chanting for equality.
random dude shouting "Obama" "Obama" outside. i guess the celebration is still continuing.
3,000 people take to the street in Westwood, protesting Prop 8. live coverage:
WTF San Francisco 50% turnout?! Alameda too. And LA actually supported banning marriage equality. back to being a second class citizen...
it's pizza and coffee time of the night on Prop 8. still slowly closing...
we are kicking that gap's ass. slowly closing on Prop 8. but will it be enough?
Obama chants outside in Union Sq SF. i am nervously refreshing Prop 8 numbers. 53.7% yes, but it is slowly closing. May not know tonight.


Zack Rosen T. Neil Sroka Michael Whitney Barack Obama Rosalyn Lemieux jenifer Dan Ancona Jadesfire Brad Levinson Adam Mordecai Tracy Russo Adam Conner Matt Stoller Matt Browner Hamlin bbond Monica Guzman candace kuss Eden James Adrienne Lee Benson Laurin Manning Brian Leubitz Lauren Cusick Rob Pierson Greg Bloom Nolan Treadway Matt Lockshin Oliver Griswold Matt Ortega Moya Watson Kombiz Lavasany Rafael Noboa Rivera Erin Kotecki Vest Joe Trippi Karl-Thomas Miles Kurland Pam Spaulding
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