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anyone have reccos an osx app good for cataloguing and dupechecking across many tb of files? disktracker is close but doesn't have checksums
wow, chu is an inspired pick for sec of energy (dir of lbnl, nobel laureate, work on alt enrgy):
@mat I'm at the engelbart thing
heading down to the engelbart event nowish @ stanford and then baychi after
@BenWard there are a bunch of roboform firefox addons (try secure login?)... otherwise a job for greasemonkey...
holy awesome. just discovered bon iver:
total sweetness. be sure to check out the real-time tv guide listings:
yay for walking in knowing nothing in the morning and ending the day w/ a new design and tons of fixes. it's like i know what i'm doing! :)
hi all you people i haven't been following back. i hope @mrtweet hasn't led to me inadvertently inundating my twitter stream...
Rjdj (eargasm) is a bit sparse at the airport at this time of day. Dyson airblades sound quite good through it however.
Lotta babies on this redeye. Sleep forecast not looking good...
on the one hand the specs for the n71 sound uber and the form factor looks great. on the other hand it's s60. ... so, reserving judgement.
out of 49937 tracks, Mutagen and eyeD3 barfed on 293 of them. 0.59%
final size of couchdb: 62486 docs, 5.4GB, 3.7h import. Can't be more than a few hundred megs of actual data (filenames and id3s) Hmm...
@helvetireader great styling, but did you really zap the search box?
@Janerri ha, saw a doc about class elections @ your high school over the summer:
@ngerakines ha, well it's not doing so well on speed either. or functionality, but that might be lack of docs/examples for the right map...
@janl upgraded from debian's 11.b.2-4 the the latest R12B-5, test suite runs about the same. My 32K doc DB is 2.9GB though???
(tweeting before discovering and sys.setdefaultencoding() - that'll do)


Evan Williams rabble kellan Steve Jenson Blaine Cook Chris Wetherell Eric Case veen Buzz Andersen danah boyd Jason Cosper Matt Jones BenJ Edward Ho Gordon tedr Mr Messina Daniel Jeff Bonforte Michael Sharon Michael Buffington GregElin Sanford B lane Glenda Derek Powazek heather joshua schachter Jaime Macias Cameron Marlow Jennifer Wally Punsapy Stewart Butterfield Caterina Courtney P Thor Muller
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