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The trick is to decide to venture off and feel the fear and keep walking or to stay on track most tread as cow paths are often most direct
Lesson for the day - We panic when we venture off the path most used, what we know. Even if we rebel at that road sometimes, it calms us.
Wow - did a quick analysis on that dream and it's pretty interesting. Dream was so vivid -it's amazing how my brain talks to me if I listen.
A new day. My mood has lifted. Yay. Now to figure out what my crazy dream was about last night. Paging Dr. Jung.
Catching up today. I'm in a weird mood where I'm fighting the blues over economy, death and reality - Trying to up anyways.
I guess now that we are in the fulfillment part of that it's taking effect and we are living our created reality. The mind loops on this.
I thought for a while that the economic issue was everyone getting overworked and causing the issue to happen - self-fulfiling prophecy
I've been off the Grid in FLA. Working on work, myself. I needed to recharge. Came back to friend in grief (stillbirth) and econonmic woes.
@leia are you there long?
I've been off the grid for over a week. Going. in. to. withdrawals. Need my tech. In corresponding news, stress down, as is weight.
@comcastcares Just visiting friends in Levy County Fl, office out of Dunnellon, FL and the customer service is bad. DM for details.
@HectorJAyala Oh really? I'll go check that at. I have a bunch that I got but aren't being used. Thanks!
Registering more domains. I think my total personal and professional domain ownership is obscene amounts. Should sell some.
Riding in Leia's father's super cool Hybrid 2009 Toyota Camry. It's so quiet and it emails Al Gore with each trip to tell our progress.
@EmilyMedvec I owe you a direct message or two! In Florida visiting my best bud.
New rule: there should be no stoplights on highways
Moni and I are in the car heading toward our lunch of destiny with @leia in huge Clermont, FL
Simpson sounds like he is going to jail for a long time.
@jessnuss We've had to use them several times with clients but heard that hackers have cracked it. We do a simple math problem now.
I just watched a Hawk dive for a squirrel. Knock him out of a palm tree. Squirrel survived with cautionary tales to tell, & possibly a limp


Evan Williams Mack D. Male Amanda Udoff Chris MacDonald Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev E.T.Cook Paul Terry Walhus Manuel Viloria Peter Rothman Antonio Edward (jeff)isageek Dustin Jacobsen Kevin Lawver Randy Jason Calacanis George Kelly Manuel Don The Idea Guy Alan Bradburne Jennifer Woodard M Chaitanya Sagar ColeSmietana   christine shell Chris Brogan Graham English Bill Palmer Dave LaMorte Michael Bailey Becky McCray Amadis Wann Brian Clark Robert French Doug Haslam
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