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@devnulled Oh no... That's a stunningly bad choice.
@mhectic Hot DAMN! Way to go, my man.
@mattbrozo So it goes, Matty. Raincheck.
Going to try roasting bone marrow tonight. The butcher had never heard of such a thing. That's a bit concerning...
Netflix via TiVo looks hot!
Stay gold, Pony Boy. Oh, wait...
The Motorcycle Boy Reigns
Poor dumb Rusty James.
Rusty James has a substance abuse problem.
And Dennis Hopper FTW!
Matt Dillon sez heroin ruined the gangs. Too bad about that.
"He looks really old. Like 25 or something."
Oh Mickey Rourke... What the hell happened to you?
I always forget about Tom Waits as Benny in Rumble Fish.
Kitteh LURVES broccoli!!!!!!
Do I dare follow "This Is England" with "Rumble Fish"? Bourbon in hand, I dare!
"work www iphone good yeah" - in that order:
"This Is England" is fookin brilliant, innit. I almost wished it had an extra half hour at the end, though.
@leia Oooooh. Good point, that. ;^)


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