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digging a lot of what @danpatterson has been saying today.
Mates Of State on Good Morning America
OK, I think I'm getting tired now. Zzzzzzzzzzz.
@sogrady Whoa, just looked at your twitter hompage. Beautiful. I miss the ocean.
finished watching We Jam Econo and have decided it's definitive, west coast punk made east coast punk look like private school.
@gijyun saevire ad suum corpus
@agahran The inquiries were made amongst the blinded, marching, teens in heels or the frat boys? or both? This is getting weird.
I wonder what will happen to twitter if/when the social media expert and "I speak at $200 conferences" markets fail.
@micah I used performancing for there first two iterations (before they introduced advertising) and then they lost me.
@agahran - You mean sorority, right? I wasn't in a frat, but I would have been if this was a haze.
@iThinkMedia I know a little about electrical wiring but it's NOT something I would try to explain over twitter.
@intersquash fyi. mangled my ajax driven website.
@rosalicious I really want you to do the operation "ugly xmas sweatshirt @ work" experiment - and tweet the comments you get.
@ronaldlewis Q: For those folks who followed me today -- Did you receive a DM from me? A: No.
@jmesa now that you are using google reader you might enjoy subscribing to my feed.
Accurate description of the current automobile industry?
@brigglesy2k given all that, why didn't you sign up? :)
@brigglesy2k I'm not denying the importance of SM in marketing, I'm just supremely irked by everyone calling themselves SME's.
RT @hotdogsladies "I just pray that the bailouts can help these poor folks sell us more cars we can't afford. Wait. What now?" Sums it up!