Brian Shaler’s Favorites

crispycracka I dream of a coffee shop on the right hand side of my morning commute. I can't turn left til I've had my coffee.
Heather White-Laird
howlvenice @lickbrain sameness is a plague but it soothes the uncertainty of newness
Jonathan Kressaty
jakressaty newegg wrapped this hard drive like it was being flown into a war zone.
Leica Fan Boy
leicafanboy Qwitter would be a lot more useful if it can do an HR style "exit interview" on people not following you anymore. LOL
jowyang Even walmart executives SHARE $49 hotel rooms on business trips, although execs earn millions in equity a year. "Its how Sam would do it"
Christine Kerner
christinekerner wondering what makes random people do such random things.
Neil Estep
nestep I'm filling out the "skills" section of my resumé. I'm drawing a blank.
Chris Tingom
christingom Just had some 3.14159
Sean Tierney
scrollinondubs The godaddy checkout process is online version of the gauntlet of candy they make you go through at Fry's Electronics
Sean Tierney
scrollinondubs OH: @chrisbrogan on permanence of social media: "What happens in Vegas... stays on Facebook." #azec
angie jantz
jantzie And on the 8th day, God made Twitter.
TheMacMommy Take me as I am: shaken, stirred and usually shot from the hip.
Brett Gurewitz
OblivionPact [//_-] this EMOticon is now a meme, pass it on
Jim Halligan
jim alright. a tanning commercial just rick rolled me. ENOUGH
Jack Littleton
jacklittleton I had something spectacular to tweet, but Twitter was down, and then forgot it. It would have gotten me favrd. Srsly.
hackerhaus News Flash: Jesse Jackson crying on MSNBC because racism is now officially over, rendering him unemployed.
angie jantz
jantzie Dear keyboard, I have never pressed ⌘R more in my life than I did tonite. I hope it was as good for you as it was for me. Love, @jantzie.
Jeff Moriarty
jmoriarty If #ignitephx last night had been any cooler, we could have hung meat in there and had a snowball fight.
Andrew Smith
ashrewdmint Million dollar idea: A typographic dating site for single quotes.
Beau Frusetta
BeauFrusetta Why would you want to be "late-breaking"? Doesn't that mean you break the news after everyone else?


hans.gerwitz Robb M. Wayne Sutton nanek la luna negra Earnest Brad Barrish Mack D. Male Paul Thrasher Dobromir Hadzhiev Jonathan Greene Michael Parekh Kathy Johnson Laurence Anderson Jerry Tim tommy payne brent Tom Limongello Manuel Viloria Mark Smithivas Jim Kleckner sergio ruiz Aubrey Sabala Kevin Cawley John Dyer Antonio Edward St. Og's (jeff)isageek Dustin Jacobsen EC P0tat0head caleb Jay Thiago Fonseca Jason Calacanis
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