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@joshshabtai - that interview is so cute! I love the part when Obama and Michelle talk about the car he had with the hole in the floor.
Just saw a lady completely lose her shit at Rainbow about a case of flaxseed oil...I think Thanksgiving pressure is getting to people
Oh My: : Happy Early Thanksgiving "Parkayyyy!"
@jeajea - to Seattle on Virgin. A week ago I was looking and flights were around $300, but all the sudden dropped. Strange.
just scored a flight home for Christmas for $120!
Watching "The Royal Family at Work" on PBS. Why do I still get so excited about seeing shiny crowns and swords?
just made wayyy too much lentil soup. Help!
@lrw hm....looks familiar...:)
Hello Mr. Moon, you are especially huge today.
Frontline tonight is about Lee "Happy Hatchet Man" Atwater. Ah, you never fail to depress me!
Very loud helicopters outside tracking the Prop 8 protestors. Thinking of throwing a coat on and joining in!
Oddly, it was driven by a middle aged Asian man, not a superhot blonde woman.
On the 101. Just saw a black Acura with the license plate "Cylon 6".
Starting Mad Men...wish me luck
most cute/sad commercial ever made about wind power:
knitting and watching "holy mountain" do not go well together.
@jonbellinger - I sent it to you already! Do you check direct messages?