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Was going to hit up the Trail of Lights. But apparently people are parked on top of each other. Opped for Trudy's instead. Everyone is l ...
Comment about Austin while driving @timjdaley around some neighborhoods, specifically @girk's old house: "wholesome"
Watching Justin Sconyers speed skate. Watching any sport makes me miss rowing.
It is so pretty out today! Cool, strong winds, leaves blowing everywhere. Grabbing @girk from the airport.
The fan on my Northbridge is squealing. Damn.
"25 years ago around 11:30am a kid named John Erik was born." -@kasm719 I love you mom! and dad who's not on any social networks :)
Whew. What a day. Leaving Conjuncture for El Chile. W/ @cessrt @wirehog @beccacamp @jonray and @imdane.
"One more big decision then we can go" -@treyp
it's snowing~!
Hey yall! Introduce yourselfs to my new iPhone 512-810-2727 :)
RT @techranch: ATX startup to keep and eye on: Zehicle ( Turn your iphone into OnStar in your car without the annual fee.
Whiteboarding with the project team at Conjunctured. Open doors are catching a great breeze and Ratatat is playing. :)
Opps. Sending wrong stuff to Twitter. That could be very bad. In other news, @conjunctured working with @treyp and @cesart on a fun project
Hmmm.. Might not be actually. Working late
Chez zee for David Lunsford's grad dinner. Then back to hang with the fam, who are in for the weekend.
Life planning with @joshdilworth. Now drinks with josh and @troywilliams at the longbranch.
Just noticed there is a Masonic Lodge on 7th and Lavaca. What do masons do again? It's like a grownup frat, right?
Cool video of the guys working at @conjunctured the other day by @orchid8.
David Neff (@daveiam) rocks social media for nonprofs ha at SXSW hes on a 'Social Media Poetry Slam' panel w/ Beth Kanter


Evan Williams Josh Kopelman Dennis Crowley Chris Sacca danah boyd Dick Hardt Dave McClure Mr Messina Mark Phillip Tom Limongello Blake Burris Brett Petersel Dave Morin Brittany Bohnet Sanford B Elliott Ng Lise Sumon Geoff DiMasi Scott Hussein Rafer Justine Alex Hillman Chris Brogan Amit superamit Gupta termie Brian Solis Bre Pettis Robert Scoble photomatt Todd noah kagan Alex Payne Steve Odom giovanni Bruce Williams Hugh MacLeod
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