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justjen - this is gonna be my comfort food this winter.
OH: Oh Jesus the Yahoos are all drunk. (mumbling) texts, voicemails....
just reserved 2 season tickets for the bay area women's pro soccer team! @womensprosoccer
chicken tikka masala makes me happier than it should, really.
btw, I didn't call in gay today because my company is not the problem. besides, I think these of "day without ___" actions are silly.
been up for hours working & thinking about work & working and now I'm at work and am gonna go get some coffee.
wow that's some nasty coffee
another monday @digg - it's freezing in here, heavy meeting schedule in the afternoon and I'm waiting on my burger and fries delivery - we always order too much
@dpc47 milk's bigger than the castro, but history aside, assigned seats. that's how.
who else is seeing milk at the kabuki tonight?
have just decided today is a soft rock kind of day....
lunch at goat hill with @digg folk
@NathanBowers ahh - incorrect! those were pulled out of the broth before @hicharlie finished her bowl off
@dfltr he's always pushing the envelope from afar
OH: "I was thinking something more ominous like captain kangaroo in chaps." @jayadelson - guess who said that....
@hollarsk @aubs - this is from @jayadelson going out to all the ladies in the house!
just booked flight to SXSW - Austin, I'm gonna be in you


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